Customs Issues: Rebate on Customs duties incorrectly assessed at time of importation

Rebate on Customs Duties Incorrectly Assessed at the Time of Importation

Your likely aware that when importing goods to Thailand whether they be personal affects or commercial shipments you may be liable for import duties which are due at the time of importation. What you may not be aware of is that if these import duties are inaccurately assessed at the time of importation you as the importer have the opportunity to apply to have the amount owing reassessed. If the duties have already been paid you may still apply for this reassessment and a rebate.

The process to dispute duties is simple and straightforward:

  • First, file a request to dispute the tax assessment. The required request form can be obtained at the post office or by visiting
  • Second, along with the required form make sure to provide any relevant documentation; international postal delivery documents or ocean freight documents such as BL and commercial invoices, packing lists etc and any documentation detailing proof of purchase credit card transactions and payment; L/C details, wire transfers etc

In instances where duty has yet to be paid the consignee can defer payment until the result of the request for reassessment is known.

In order to find out the status of your request for reassessment simply contact either one of two agencies. These are the Thailand Post Company Limited and the Postal Customs Service Division Bangkok. Simply advise the office contacted that you are inquiring as to matters concerning “a dispute of the tax assessment” and quote them the reference number received when you file your application for a reassessment. (the contact information for these offices is contained here )

As a veteran of the Thai Customs service I can tell you that the Customs Department has the best intention to enforce Thai Customs Law transparently and smoothly. However, sometimes processes that aren’t completely clear due to translation difficulties etc may need elucidation.

For complex inquiries that require the perusal of documents and nuanced in person communication you may e-mail me at to arrange an appointment. 

Thank you for your time and please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The above information on customs duties rebates has been Kindly provided by the Thai Customs Department.