Customs Issues

Attorney Ployprapat Nora-On invites you to contact us with your customs issues whether you represent a: multinational corporation, small medium sized business or are simply moving your household effects to Thailand as part of a relocation.

Prior to engaging in import/export activities of any stripe it may be helpful to bring yourself up to speed on some features of the regulatory landscape.

A breach of the Thai Customs Law is as in most jurisdictions a criminal matter. Consequently, it’s best to remain on the right side of the law so as not to incur criminal liability. We offer a full vetting service of your import/export protocols so that you remain in compliance with the law without risking; delays, fines or more serious legal consequences.

While it’s best to avoid problems from the outset, many of the legal issues importers/exporters face are concerned with arrears in taxes and fines in contrast to outright criminal prosecution. Further, the more conscientious the importer/exporter is in trying to rectify or prevent an issue Ie. by practicing transparency and bringing potential issues to the attention of the Customs Department prior to enforcement action, the more lenient and accommodating the good folks at Thai Customs are likely to be.

If your coming to us after already finding yourself experiencing an issue with the Thai Customs Department regulatory apparatus perhaps we can help.

In short, the Thai Customs Department wants to encourage trade and prefers you to be successful in the legal movement of goods through, into and out of Thailand. We can both assist in pre-empting problems and if an issue already exists: offer support towards fixing the problem.


For information on Free Trade Agreements such as ASEAN and preferential trade status arrangements in East Asia, the Pacific region and beyond click here to access US Department of Commerce Information:

For further information on customs click here